Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) clinic
Trustworthy effective ENT services for the whole family
Our ENT Unit is a highly efficient one with a highly skilled team of ENT specialists comprising of a Surgeon, Audiologist, and Nurses who deliver quality care to adult and pediatric patients. We diagnose, treat, and manage Ear, Nose, and Throat infections and diseases and offer audiology and rehabilitation services
We Provide services through different sub-units
- Hearing and Deafness clinic
- Vertigo Clinic
- Voice Clinic
- Nasal and Nasal Allergy Clinic
To effectively diagnose infections, we use the following equipment:
- Pure tone audiometry
- Impedance audiometry
- Brain stem evoked response (BERA)
- Oto acoustic emission for screening of newborns
General ENT services offered include
- Neuro-inflammation including MS (multiple sclerosis)
- Cerebrovascular diseases including stroke
- Dizziness and symptoms of being off-balance
- Neurological infections including meningitis and encephalitis
- Disorders of facial nerves, including vision and speech
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